Children's Storytime

Preschool storytime is geared towards children ages 18 months to 4 years of age, although younger and older siblings and friends are always welcome to participate.  It is a great way to introduce young children to an age-appropriate school environment, and all the skills that help young children function in such an environment, such as sharing with others. 

Here is May's line-up:

May 3

Read:   The Galaxy Needs You by Caitlin Kennedy
Make:  your own droid!

May 10
Read:  Is Your Mama a Llama by Deborah Guarino
Enjoy:  pretty homemade flowers!

May 17
Read: Old Mother Hubbard by Jane Cabrera
Make: a clock, Hickory Dickory Dock!

May 24
Read:  Mouse's First Summer by Lauren Thompson
Play:  picnic games or create a tiny picnic blanket!

May 31
Read:  Augustus and his Smile by Catherine Rayner
Make:  your own photo op. goofy smile!

What:  Preschool Storytime

When:  Fridays at 11:00 am